Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ted's Woodworking Review by Jason

It is critical to review all feedback about a product or service before purchasing it today. There are plenty of scams out there which are trying to take your hard-earned cash.

Some might say that Ted’s Woodworking is a scam. A simple Internet search will find plenty of websites devoted to the notion that the entire premise of this product is false. Then you will find others who gush about the numerous products they created because of the step-by-step plans offered by Ted’s Woodworking. Some sites even show off the finished products or provide videos showing people who follow the instructions they received after purchase.

It seems like there is a vast gulf between those who appreciate or support Ted’s Woodworking and those who do not. Let’s take a realistic review of the product to address those concerns.

Let’s Talk About Ted’s Woodworking Plans


Ted’s Woodworking promotes an inventory of 16,000 plans that you gain immediate access to when you purchase access to the community. Going through to count every single project that is available takes an enormous amount of time.

They might be a little short on their claim. The business behind the plans might go a little over. Like most companies with an inventory figure like this, it’s likely a rounding up of the overall number.
What you will discover is that there are lots – and lots – of plans from which to choose. When you consider the price at which you gain access to them, the value is indeed there.

It’s a challenge to find this level of access through a similar provider.

And yes – you can find some of the woodworking plans that are available through this service if you do some digging on your own. That doesn’t change the benefit of the service.

If you want to have a community where the best woodworking plans to use are right at your fingertips, then this product makes sense.

Should you prefer to look for this information on your own, you might save some money in doing so – but would you save as much time?

That’s a question that only you can answer.

Can Anyone Complete the Woodworking Plans?


One of the most significant marketing pushes that you’ll find from Ted’s Woodworking is that your skill level doesn’t matter. If you have a few tools and the DIY know-how to put some stuff together, then you can follow what this community offers.

Although there are some plans which require some research on the part of beginners to understand the terminology or illustrations used, the average person can follow along with the instructions offered for the various projects. You will find numerous options are perfect for beginners.

There are enough options for advanced woodworkers to keep them engaged in projects as well.
It’s a healthy balance between helping a novice woodworker to learn the craft while encouraging experts to have some fun.

The one challenge that I have found when using the plans is that some of them contain material lists, while others do not. There is a difference in quality that can make a simple project anything but that in reality.

You will find some that offer three-dimensional drawings, close-up profiles, and plenty of annotations to guide you through the process needed for work. Then there are some that provide detailed images, but not much more.

Isn’t It Illegal to Sell Plans That Others Have Created?


Ted’s Woodworking does take several of their plans from other publications.

Other reviewers have noted in the past that sources include magazines, books, universities, and other woodworking websites.

There are three elements to consider when looking at this structure.
  • Are some of the plans in the public domain?
  • Does Ted’s Woodworking pay for licenses which allow for distribution?
  • Is this a compilation product sold with permission?
The legality of what Ted’s Woodworking is doing is better left to the attorneys. Some reviewers attempt to draw a moral conclusion that this community is a scam by trying to argue the ethics of this product.

What is the public domain? It is a place where work is not under the restriction of copyright protection. Items in this category do not require a fee or license to use. Anyone has unrestricted access at any time to create sellable products from these items.

Some works enter the public domain automatically because they do not receive copyright status, includinga category of processes and systems in the United States. Creators have the right to assign this status to their items as well.

This community has been around for more than a decade, selling access to an accumulated grouping of plans that can help you explore your passion for woodworking. A money-back option also guarantees it. Ted’s Woodworking is not trying to hide anything, despite what some people might try to say online.

If others wish to be angry about the structure of this business, then that is their business. That doesn’t mean it is a scam, no matter how loudly someone might yell that it is so.

There is also a DMCA takedown request option if someone feels that their rights have been infringed upon in some way. You can rest assured that everything found in this product is above board.

What About the Address Offered by Ted’s Woodworking?


Those who like to point out that Ted’s Woodworking is a possible scam is that the contact information provided by the organization behind the plans seems to be incorrect. According to the Better Business Bureau, there is no such address as 219 Tama St. in Slater, Iowa.

It doesn’t take much detective work to pull up Google Maps for this small town of about 1,500 people in Story County. You will discover that the community looks much like every other in Smalltown America. The lawns are green, flags are flying from poles and porches, and there isn’t a stoplight to be found.

We pulled up the Google street view for Tama Street between 2nd Avenue and 3rd Avenue in Slater. It is clearly a residential neighborhood. Although there isn’t an exact address match, there are four potential properties which fit the description.

Masking personal information isn’t uncommon in today’s world. Using pseudonyms and redirections to protect one’s privacy, even when operating a business, does happen.

That’s why virtual offices were created in the first place. These structures offer business owners who want an element of privacy to stay that way without making their business seem illegitimate.
Ted’s Woodworking now bases their operations out of one such site in Austin, Texas.

Can I Sell What I Make from Ted’s Woodworking?


If you love woodworking and are thinking about turning your hobby into a potential business, then Ted’s Woodworking plans could be an intelligent investment. Many people are already turning their craftsmanship into profit.

There are a few different projects that are popular today that you can potentially sell online or from your home with the instructions you can receive from this product.

Painted flags, shelving, entryway organizers, and wall decor are all excellent sellers on a variety of craft-based websites. All you need to do is choose a project, put it together according to the instructions, and then make it ready for sale.

The difference between you (and me) and everyone else trying to turn their woodworking into cash is an ability to stand out from the crowd. I would highly recommend looking for ways to create custom projects from Ted’s Woodworking ideas because that allows you to provide a handcrafted item at a price your customer can afford while you can pocket some profits.

Laser engraving, using reclaimed wood, and adding the distressed look to your projects can all help to provide you with a portfolio that proves your expertise.

Creating sawdust is fun by itself. When you can turn the work of your hands into cash that can go into your savings account, the small investment you make into these thousands of plans creates a low risk, high reward situation.

Why Are So Many People Unhappy with Ted’s Woodworking Plans?


When you start looking for reviews of Ted’s Woodworking plans, it doesn’t take long to find people describing it as “phony,” “useless,” “click bait,” or worse. If you know an online woodworker, then there is an excellent chance that there is an off-handed negative comment waiting about this business.
I can say from personal experience that my expertise in woodworking is minimal. If I wanted to find instructions to complete a project at home, I’d be scouring the Internet trying to discover what I need. Having a product like Ted’s makes it simple because everything is in one place.

Instead of wasting my time searching for one specific project, I can find what I want quickly and receive inspiration from the other available ideas.

Now I can understand some frustration if a woodworker has their plans included with this product without permission. I wouldn’t want that either. Ted’s Woodworking plans do offer a process which is similar to a DMCA notice so that anything obtained without consent, accidentally or otherwise, can be removed from the product immediately.

I feel like this structure is a significant time-saver, but I can also see how more experienced woodworkers might think otherwise.The best advice is this: any review you find on the Internet on any product, even if you shop on a major e-commerce site, deserves to be taken with a grain of salt.

Cost Comparison of Ted’s Woodworking vs. Other Plan Options


If you purchase individual woodworking plans from a website like Etsy or a major chain retailer, you could pay more than $10 for each one. Barns, playgrounds, and other extensive projects can be over $100 each.

That means you could pay more for one plan than you do for the access to the thousands which are available through Ted’s Woodworking.

Even if you purchase a book of woodworking plans or subscribe to a magazine which offers new ideas each month, you will pay anywhere between $15 to $40 per year for that amount. You might get to save a little, but you will also have access to fewer ideas.

Many woodworking plans and projects focus on one style of craftsmanship or one category of building. You might find options for sheds, furniture, or toys available to you. When you work with Ted’s Woodworking, then you gain access to a wide variety of ideas that cover almost every project category.

7 Pros and Cons of Ted’s Woodworking


If you love the idea of making some sawdust as a way to be creative, then Ted’s Woodworking is an opportunity to consider. This program offers a collection of several thousand projects that can help you to start making something in just minutes.

All you need to have are the materials and tools requested by the woodworking plans to have a successful experience.

These are the pros and cons of Ted’s Woodworking to consider if you are thinking about diving headfirst into another fun project at home.

List of the Pros


  1. There is an extensive collection of woodworking plans that continues to increase.
You will find up to 16,000 different woodworking plans available through Ted’s Woodworking that can help you to experiment with your creativity. There are several various projects from which to choose, ranging from picnic tables to bunkbeds, allowing you to make something with your bare hands and a few tools.
  1. Anyone can follow the plans provided by Ted’s Woodworking.
You don’t need to be a sawdust genius to follow the instructions that come with the plans in this program. There are plenty of different tricks and points of advice that will help beginners or experts take their work to the next level. You can even test your plans without going through the construction process with all of the tools that are available in this program. If one of the projects doesn’t seem to work, then you can edit it or make one of your own as well.
  1. It will teach you how to start a woodworking business.
There is a step-by-step guide that comes with Ted’s Woodworking that will help you to form the foundation of your own business if you want to take this skill or hobby to another level. Instead of following your passion, this investment can help you to create a new profession. You’ll even receive over 150 different woodworking lessons from today’s experts that will let you review your techniques to ensure you’re always following the best practices in your shop.
  1. You receive 12 months of personal coaching.
Ted’s Woodworking comes with a 1-year program of personal coaching that you will receive by email with this program. This resource provides an excellent reference guide for those moments when you might get a little stuck on a project.

List of the Cons


  1. You need to sort through a lot of content.
The amount of information that you receive from Ted’s Woodworking is vast. It will take some time to figure out the plans, discover what you can do, and start the building process. Many beginners find that it helps to begin with a smaller project first.
  1. Users need a little woodworking knowledge to manage the video content.
If you are starting at Day 1 with your woodworking hobby, then some of the video content can be challenging to follow at times. Some of the steps assume that you know what you are doing with your tools, so a complete description of what you must do is not always available.
  1. There is a cost to consider.
Ted’s Woodworking is not free. It comes with a satisfaction guarantee, but you do need to make an initial investment to get started. You may also need to purchase the materials and tools necessary to work on the included projects.

The pros and cons of Ted’s Woodworking show the value if this program, but it also requires personal skill and management to make it a successful experience. If you love to make sawdust, then download the content today to start making something incredible.

What Is the Conclusion?


It is understandable as to why some people would point out various elements of the business structure with Ted’s Woodworking because there is the potential of some red flags there. As with any business opportunity, it is up to you to perform your due diligence on the companies and products that interest you.

Ted’s Woodworking is no exception to that rule. How I found the plans to be useful. The information offered through the community was helpful. This combination of features for such a small investment allows me to get my hands covered with sawdust more often because I have more access to new ideas.

If you’re looking for an affordable way to start pursuing the art of woodworking, you could spend more and get less through other communities. Even if you purchase plans from local retailers for instant access like Ted’s Woodworking provides, there are a handful of ideas available to you compared to the thousands in this program.

Start your research today. Then make your own decision as to whether or not your woodworking skills could benefit from the ideas included with Ted’s Woodworking. Ted's Woodworking is the best we have found by far.

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